My Name is WAlfran Ney Poveda Gonzalez
I study technology in software analysis and development at SENA. These are my English works.
of Simon Bolivar
1783: Born on July 24 in Caracas, in the bosom of a
wealthy family.
1792: He is orphaned and passes into the care of his
maternal grandfather and later his uncle Carlos Palacios.
1799: He travels to Spain to complete his studies.
· 1802: He
married María Teresa Rodríguez del Toro in Madrid.
1803: Return to Caracas. María Teresa dies of yellow fever.
Bolívar embarks on a new trip through Europe.
1805: Attends Napoleon's coronation as King of Italy.
Determined to liberate the Spanish-American colonies from the Spanish yoke, he
pronounced the Monte Sacro Oath in Rome, in the presence of Simón Rodríguez and
Fernando Toro.
1807: Returns to Caracas.
1811: He joined the army as a colonel under the orders of
Francisco de Miranda.
1812: After the surrender of Miranda, he moved to Curaçao.
1813: Reconquers Venezuela in the so-called Admirable
Campaign. He is appointed captain general of the armies of Venezuela and
receives the title of Liberator.
1814: Defeated again, he withdrew to Jamaica. Write the
Jamaica Letter.
1821: After various expeditions and battles, he obtains the
definitive triumph in the battle of Carabobo, which ensures the independence of
Venezuela. Two years earlier he had proclaimed in Angostura the Republic of
"Gran Colombia", which was to include the territories of Colombia,
Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama.
1822: Together with Antonio José de Sucre, in coordinated
action, he achieves the liberation of Ecuador.
1824: Victory over the Royal Army of Peru in Junín. Sucre,
for his part, defeated the royalists in the decisive battle of Ayacucho.
1825: The provinces of Upper Peru are constituted in the
Bolívar Republic, embryo of the Republic of Bolivia.
1826: Returns to Caracas to put down La Cosiata, the
Venezuelan separatist movement led by José Antonio Páez.
1827: In the Congress of Panama the desire for separatism
is evident among the young liberated republics.
· 1830: In the midst of an advanced process of dissolution of Gran Colombia, he died on December 17.
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