viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023

Diego Alejandro Molina Vargas(group 2627041)


I am Diego Alejandro Molina Vargas

I live in sabaneta Antioquía 

I am student in software analysis and development

Group 2627041


Presentation. GA2-240202501-AA2-EV02

Presentation YOUTUBE

Documento escrito. GA2-240202501-AA2-EV03




Subject: job aplication

Hello Mr principal, my name is Diego Alejandro Molina Vargas, applicant for the offer of software programmer of your company. I saw your offer online and confirmed that I have the skills to apply for the job it is a pleasure to greet you.


I am a professional in software programming, I have skills in creating websites, my work experience has focused on networks and b security, I have worked independently for ten years, and now I'm looking for a permanent job.


I am available to work part time, I am a person who works under pressure, I am responsible, dedicated and attentive to my work. I am characterized by being creative and solving problems in the best way.

I would be very happy to belong to your company. I am sure that I am the right person for this position.


Thank you very much for your attention and understanding. Sincerely Diego Alejandro

Virtual Interview Video

Virtual interview video YOUTUBE



·         Diego Maradona was born in argentina on october 30, 1960.

·         When I was 7 years old, I started playing soccer.

·         He participated in his first team in 1976

·         Diego Maradona was a profesional football

·         In 1982 when he transfered to Barcelona

·         In 2008 Maradona became a coach Argentina's national football team

·         In 2011 Maradona became coach Dubai based club

·         In 1979 he won the world youth championship with the selection of his country.

·         In november 2020 he died

Audio. GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02.

Archivo de audio 

Mapa mental sobre su (Personal Learning Environment) 

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